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The Life Of Professional Gamer

Being a Professional Gamer means turning from a silly teenagers into disciplined professionals.


Video games has grown to become a booming business as technology has allowed players to completely dive into an unbelievable lifelike scenario. Despite becoming increasingly popular among youngsters, there is a significant new change to the industry as fat wads of cash has been introduced.

Earning money and getting paid to play games sounds like a fantasy. Waking up from bed, getting breakfast and playing your favorite game and go hunting for the thrills and spills. In many cases, the image of a professional gamer is a layabout with a purpose and a paycheck. However, there is a greater deal then just making a living from gaming. As games are usually very casual and considered a leisure activity, they also creating enough jobs and income to sustain entire multimillion-dollar professional tournaments.


Similar to sports, be it soccer, baseball or even tennis, many game titles run in seasons. Just as regular sports, eSports have major season events as well. Teams from over the world and even Australia come together to play major titles such as "Overwatch", "League of Legends", and "Dota 2" similar to conventional sporting teams.

Being a professional gamer requires not only discipline and perseverance. Obstacles to success are are as fearsome inside the game as they are outside in the real world. You will be dissuaded by your parents, your fans will not understand why you failed and you might not even be able to earn any money as it only goes to the very best of players. Despite many difficulties, passion and the growing acceptance of eSports as a professional and accepted career path is making competitive gaming bigger than ever. One of the major tournaments from the game Dota 2 even made history as the highest prize pool tournament in the world of sporting history.

It took Chen(In photo) more than 10 months to get in to a tournament

One major key that every player agrees on is that jumping from playing for fun to becoming a professional depends heavily on getting scouted and being recruited into an established team. In other words without being scouted by an organisation, you could be playing in the dark forever despite being the good.

Without any financial support from an organisation or sponsor, it is practically impossible to obtain the time and environment to refine your skills to a professional level. Having to juggle between pro matches with school or work is particularly awkward in the US, as most professional games happen in Europe or even in Asia. Teams in Asia such as China, have homes where players move in together away from their families and friends just to focus on the game and training to become the best.




One of the major problems that have been standing between a professional career would be gender. Valve, a major gaming sports organisation, has hosted nine international tournaments over 9 years. But not a single girl has ever come close to playing in them. This situation is similar in League of Legends, where some of the competition organisers explicitly split the tournaments by gender. However, it is not necessary to discourage girls from trying. The main reason for this would be the culture and conversation inside games such as Dota 2 can be often sexist and unwelcoming to any female players. Many a time dissuading female players that it is impossible to become a professional or even take professional gaming to become a career.

In conclusion, the professional gaming scene is still in its infancy. There may be a selected few which are successful that bring wealth and glory to their name, others still pursue it as a hobby purely because it is fulfilling.

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